Biden to Meet With Zelensky in France, at G7 in Italy

Following criticism for his decision to skip an upcoming Ukrainian peace summit in Switzerland to attend an election fundraiser, US President Joe Biden is demonstrating his support for Ukraine with two key meetings with President Volodymyr Zelensky. The White House announced on Tuesday that Biden will meet Zelensky in Normandy, France, this week, and then again at the G7 meeting in Italy to discuss Ukraine's fight against Russia.

Biden faced backlash for prioritizing an election fundraiser, featuring Hollywood stars George Clooney and Julia Roberts, over the peace summit. 

While in Normandy for the 80th anniversary of the World War II D-Day landings, Biden will have an opportunity to sit down with President Zelensky, according to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. "He'll engage with Zelensky to discuss the situation in Ukraine and how we can continue to deepen our support," Sullivan told reporters traveling to Paris.

Biden is also scheduled to meet Zelensky again at the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Bari, Italy, from June 13-15. This meeting will focus on using frozen Russian funds to support Ukraine's war effort.

"So, within just over a week, the president will have two significant engagements with President Zelensky," Sullivan stated.

However, Biden will not attend the Ukraine summit in Lucerne, Switzerland, immediately following the G7. Zelensky has noted that Biden's absence could be seen as a boost for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
