Biden, in Time interview, hints Netanyahu prolonging Gaza war

In a recent interview with Time magazine, US President Joe Biden didn't mince words when criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of prolonging the Gaza war for political gain. Biden pointed out "every reason" to believe Netanyahu's motives were self-serving. The rift extended to their differing visions for Gaza's future, with Biden emphasizing the necessity of a Palestinian state.

Highlighting his divergence from former President Donald Trump, Biden asserted his capability to assert US dominance globally, from issues involving Ukraine to Taiwan and Gaza. He reaffirmed his administration's commitment to backing Ukraine against Russian aggression, describing Russia's military as severely weakened and vowing to prevent any future occupation of Ukraine.

Biden didn't shy away from taking jabs at Trump, claiming that "all the bad guys" were cheering for Trump and suggesting that international leaders, with exceptions like Hungary's Viktor Orban and Russia's Vladimir Putin, did not see Trump fit to lead the US.

Addressing concerns about his age, Biden, at 81, confidently stated he was the superior candidate, asserting, "I can do it better than anybody you know." This assertion comes despite the fact that Trump, at 77, is only four years younger than Biden.

The interview underscored Biden's firm stance on Netanyahu's handling of the Gaza conflict and his belief in his own leadership prowess on the global stage, despite ongoing scrutiny regarding his age and fitness for office.
