Vladimir Putin humiliated as Ukraine downs six Russian jets and army loses 10,000 soldiers

Russia has faced a significant setback as Ukrainian forces have downed six jets and inflicted a staggering loss of 10,000 troops in just eight days.

Since May 14, various types of Russian aircraft have suffered devastating losses, including the MiG-31 interceptor jet and the Su-25 subsonic attack jet, according to the Ukrainian armed forces. Last weekend, Ukraine's security service, the SBU, revealed that a Russian Su-27 had been damaged during an attack on an air base in Kushchyovskaya.

Additionally, Ukraine's 110th Separate Mechanised Brigade claimed to have shot down a Su-25 while engaging in combat on the eastern front. On Wednesday, Ukraine's General Staff reported the destruction of a Russian Su-25 jet near the Donetsk city of Pokrovsk. Further losses were evidenced by satellite images showing damage to two MiG-31 jets and one Su-27 at the Belbek airfield in Crimea during consecutive strikes.

New York Times journalist Christiaan Triebert shared these images on X, stating: "On @Maxar imagery, two MiG-31s and one Su-27 have been completely destroyed, and a MiG-29 damaged, at the Russian Air Force's Belbek Airbase in occupied Crimea. A fuel storage near the main airbase runway was also destroyed, with debris continuing to burn in the aftermath."

These attacks exemplify Ukraine's military strategy of increasing strikes on occupied Crimea, which has been under Russian control for a decade. Ukraine has vowed to regain control of the territory and frequently targets bases such as Belbek.

These recent strikes bring the total number of Russian aircraft losses since the war began in February 2022 to 355, according to data from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The financial toll on Moscow is estimated at an astounding £4.5 billion in anti-aircraft warfare losses alone, with the total cost of the war reaching at least £166 billion, according to a US official.

The website also reports that the total number of Russian soldier deaths over the two years of conflict has reached 497,700. As of February 25, 2024, Ukraine has confirmed the loss of 31,000 of its soldiers in the ongoing conflict.


  1. Putin is a lune tic not accepting when he is defeated. These losses in modern warfare is unheard of, but he put is ego before facts.

  2. Has Ukraine started using the F-16 fighters it was given and to what effect have they been?

  3. it's the same story for all dictators, the world is not run by individuals but by the people!!!

  4. Putin has backed himself into the same corner Hitler did in WW2. He DARE not stop now without risking an uprising against him in Russia. He will have to continue until he is dead , one way or another.

  5. Therefore, as soldier losses in the war in Ukraine are estimated at 5 to 1, this means that Zelensky's gang lost 150,000 soldiers!

  6. Sorry! 50.000 dead from Zelensky's gang.

  7. Russia has 500000 casualties, not dead. I think the dead number is like 150k. So the 30k number for ukraine seems within the realm.

    1. casualties is dead isnt it. 10 casualties = 10 dead ??

    2. No it's not the same, especially because many UKR soldiers have returned to fight after convalescing.

  8. Putin is fucked either way u see it; if Russia loses this war, he’s dead. If some how he wins, there can’t be a total victory due to insurgents, remember Afghanistan. On top of this, economically, the state of Russia will never recover.


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