Disaster for Vladimir Putin as he loses 1,380 soldiers and 15 tanks in one day

Russia has experienced substantial losses in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine, reportedly losing 1,380 soldiers, 15 tanks, 42 artillery systems, and 34 armored combat vehicles in the past 24 hours.

This information was disclosed by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that Russian forces are focusing their efforts on the eastern Donetsk province and the northeastern Kharkiv region, where Russian glide bombs are causing considerable damage to both military and civilian targets. "This brings us back again and again to the need for air defense — for additional defense systems that could significantly mitigate the difficulties for our warriors and the threat to our cities and communities," Zelensky emphasized on social media late on Monday.

Despite intense attacks, Zelensky claimed that Ukrainian forces remain in control of the contested areas, although Russia asserts it has captured several border villages. These battlefield claims from both sides could not be independently verified.

Furthermore, a Russian overnight drone attack targeted transport infrastructure in Kharkiv city, injuring seven people and damaging over 25 vehicles, including trucks and buses, according to regional Governor Oleh Syniehubov.

Ukraine’s general staff noted that while the frequency of Russian attacks in Kharkiv has decreased, fighting continues.

Russian troops are also conducting reconnaissance and sabotage operations in the northern Sumy and Chernihiv regions, shelling border settlements and laying minefields.

The frontline of the conflict extends approximately 1,000 kilometers (620 miles).
