RUSSIA plans to destroy Britain and France's nuclear powers in just one day if WW3 unfolds, a pro-Kremlin propagandist has warned

Dr. Yuri Baranchik has expressed his views on "Operation Unthinkable," a contingency plan for if Putin's war in Ukraine escalates into a global conflict. Baranchik, affiliated with the pro-Putin Moscow RUSSTRAT Institute, claimed that Russian forces would "eliminate the nuclear capabilities of Britain and France," significantly weakening Europe within 24 hours of a nuclear World War III. This plan aims to neutralize Britain and France's nuclear submarines and warheads, thereby diminishing NATO's nuclear strength.

On Telegram, Baranchik boasted, "Instead of a prolonged war of attrition, in one day we strip France and Britain of their nuclear weapons and devastate all of Europe. We revoke their status as nuclear powers and fundamentally alter the security system in Europe."

France, one of the five "Nuclear Weapons States," is believed to have around 300 nuclear warheads and six nuclear submarines, including the 99-meter "Suffren." The UK possesses four nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines—HMS Vanguard, Vengeance, Victorious, and Vigilant—along with a stockpile of nuclear warheads, albeit smaller than those of China, France, Russia, and the US.

Baranchik warned that following Operation Unthinkable, Putin would issue an ultimatum to the US, NATO, and the EU, demanding they cease all support for Ukraine within a day or face Russia's tactical nuclear weapons. He stated, "After successfully implementing Operation Unthinkable, we will immediately issue an ultimatum to the United States, NATO, and the European Union to halt all military and financial support for Kyiv within 24 hours. Otherwise, after 24 hours, we will use tactical nuclear weapons against any targets in Europe."

He claimed that Britain's nuclear arsenal could be destroyed with relative ease. "Depriving Britain of nuclear weapons is quite simple," he said. "Since 1998, Britain's entire nuclear capability has consisted of four Vanguard-class SSBNs [nuclear-powered submarines carrying atomic missiles] based in Faslane, Scotland. One or two submarines are on alert between Greenland, Iceland, and Britain, while the others are in port for repairs and replenishment." He added that Putin's government has individuals "professionally prepared" to eliminate these submarines.

Regarding France, which also has an air-to-ground tactical nuclear capability, Baranchik acknowledged that the task would be "more complicated" but still "solvable."

Earlier this year, Baranchik called for an attack on a British Type 45 Destroyer after Ukraine sank Russia's Novocherkassk landing ship. On Telegram, he wrote, "First, a message from a Russian official blamed Britain for the sinking of the Novocherkassk large landing ship. You need to look at the flight range of the carriers—and hit the British destroyer Diamond with two 'daggers.' Do it yourself. And officially declare that Russia's patience with the antics of the West is over. London will run to complain to the USA."

The Kremlin is currently investing £330,000 in nuclear shelters for Russia's major cities in preparation for a potential nuclear war. The KUB-M "mobile modular shelters" are designed to protect occupants from air shock waves and light radiation caused by a nuclear explosion for 48 hours, as well as from radioactive contamination.

Dmitry Medvedev, Putin's top ally, has insisted that the nuclear threats emanating from the president's office are not mere bluffs. He recently warned, "The current military conflict with the West is developing according to the worst possible scenario."


  1. We need to eliminate Russia as a threat to Ukraine and to world peace.

  2. Medvedev is not wrapped to well.
    Full of anger and jealousy.
    He needs to show some love ❤️ and so does Putin.There are loving people in there country and should follow there example.

  3. Tell Putin and his drunken ass buddy to bring it on, their the lowest lowlifes there is. They ruined a beautiful state of Russia.

  4. The way it will be done is pretty simple. The entire island of Britain will be destroyed with 500 or more nuclear armed missiles.

  5. Russia will be defeated and completely destroyed in less than 3 days of the start of any war! Nuclear or conventional. Putin and his cohorts if NOT killed in the initial western strikes, will await an international T trial and like sadam , he will be hunged.


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